Franklin County Militia, Inc.

FCM, Inc. helps volunteers to lawfully train to be part of a well-regulated militia and to advocate for the preservation of their Constitutional and Natural Rights.

Mission Statement

The mission of Franklin County Militia, Incorporated is to educate, organize, and train the citizens in Franklin County, Virginia in the safe, lawful, and effective use of firearms for personal defense and public safety: in the preparation for, response to, and recovery from natural and man-made disasters; and, in the fundamentals and exercise of the human and civil rights and duties belonging to all members of the community. Under no circumstances will the Franklin County Militia tolerate members who advocate or commit acts of criminal violence, terrorism, or discrimination in any form against those whom we are sworn to protect. We seek to advocate for constitutionally affirmed natural rights and facilitate communities of like-minded citizens to organize in furtherance of the FCM objectives for the purpose of making the local militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, well-regulated or in good working order, such being necessary to the security of a free state and its proper, natural, and safe defense.


1.) To advocate and work to achieve the ability for the FCM to legally operate and carry out the lawful functions of individual citizens and groups of citizens to be a ready, willing, equipped and able body of citizens; that can respond to assist the lawful authorities of our county, to serve in the unorganized militia, should it ever be mustered for action, as established in the United States Constitution and Article 1, section 13 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
2.) To prepare any eligible citizen, our members, our families, and our communities to survive any natural or man-made disaster, any war or conflict, and defend ourselves and our property against any aggression, assault, unlawful seizure or theft by any entity. Training will not be limited to but may include: U.S. Army basic and advanced infantry skills, marksmanship, firearm safety, first aid, radio communications, orienteering, search and rescue, long term food storage, water treatment, food production, animal husbandry, homesteading skills and physical fitness. To organize our communities and our members into groups of like-minded citizens for their benefit.
3.) To work to improve our relations with the community at large and the local elected public servants. To seek out opportunities to serve our communities. To always advance the cause of liberty and the founders’ principles as stated in The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights. To preserve and defend the natural rights granted to us by The Creator.
4.) To work to improve relations and create a framework of cooperation with other Constitutional County Militias in the Commonwealth of Virginia. To be able to respond to lawful requests for mutual aid.
5.) To work with other groups of like-minded citizens to achieve any of the above objectives.

A militia infantry company should develop the necessary skills to accomplish these objectives. Training for these skills is an important part of volunteer service in an unorganized militia company in order to fulfill the constitutional mandate to be well trained and well-regulated militia.

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